My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-03-28

  • I posted 74 photos on Facebook in the album "Dandi March II – Bengaluru, India" #
  • I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album "Dandi March II" #
  • We saw that live yesterday #
  • I posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album "Dandi March II" #
  • Watch out for Dandi March II – Bengaluru, India coverage in tomorrow's newspaper… If are thinking which one, pick any #
  • Around 400 people participated in the Dandi March today. Acknowledge your efforts for fighting for an India sans corruption!! #
  • "A "No" uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." – Gandhi #
  • I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album "Activities" #
  • Kiran Bedi will be on 94.3 FM Radio One at 4:45pm to talk about Dandi March in Banalore and Jan Lokpal. #
  • If you are not already joining, here are 5 reasons for you to do so…
    Dandi March II – Bengaluru, India #
  • All dandi march II info for tomorrow here at … Please retweet in support.. #
  • I hope Indians cheer for India also in the same fervor that they cheered Team India today… Participate in the… #
  • Poem inviting everyone to walk in their cities as 26 March is the big date when events are happening in 50 cities worl… #
  • @saxenamonica – please retweet in support #
  • Dandi March II – Bengaluru, India coverage in DNA Bangalore edition today.. #
  • Please retweet to support this march again corruption #
  • Muhammad Ali portrait made of 1300 punching bags, a right tribute to the master #
  • "Let us walk", a poem inviting all to participate in the Dandi March II – Bengaluru, India on saturday #
  • Why you should walk this Saturday against corruption? #
  • Dandi March 2 against Corruption in bangalore on 26th Mar'11 Chk this..  #
  • Be Angry… Be Mad… For once just stand and Be a Demand for a fair corruption free society… Participate in the… #
  • Dandi March 2 in Bangalore… a report by #

Let us Walk

Working hard all day,
We all earn whatever we do!
Every month we get our pay,
Where it goes do we have any clue?

A big part is deducted as tax,
To be used to run the country!
While we sit back and relax,
Our money becomes a mystery!!

It is meant to be spent on the needy,
And to build roads, bridges and dams!!
Instead it fills the pockets of the greedy,
Leading to frauds, rackets and scams!!

How long will we be silent,
Till when can we shut our eyes?
Its time to stop acting decent,
Like the phoenix let us all rise!!

Let us be a little mad,
Nothing wrong in being angry!
All our money if we add,
Can feed all who are hungry!!

It is time to rise from our sleep,
And demonstrate we will take no more!
They have burnt our pockets deep,
This is our time to show them the door!!

Together if we all stand,
We can give them a big shock!
So holding hand in hand,
Let us walk, let us WALK!!

Dandi March II against corruption

Dandi March II - in more than 50 cities on 26 March

Family vs Society

We, as Indians, place great importance on our family and the value system a family carries. The kind of sacrifices our parents have made for us, and the struggles we go through for the well being of the family are unheard of in the West and forms a big part of the contemporary Indian society. However, we care much less about our community, society and others in general. In the West, we see a mutual respect for each other and proactive attitude towards problems in the society. In this post, I am going to speculate on these seemingly different approaches and what could be the approach the Indian of the future should follow to ensure the best future for himself and his country.

We belong to a culture where deep rooted family values are an integral part. Parents consider it their duty to take care of their children until they stand on their own feet. After that too, there is a strong bond between parents and children. Children too consider their duty to take care of their parents in old age. This ensures a strong emotional bond and support structure for the whole family to lend on each other during difficult times or hardships and to share the happiness and celebrations during good times. The way an Indian family comes together during a wedding or on festivals is a sight in itself. Brothers and sisters share a bond which is based on trust and respect. Elder brother is treated as a father figure and there is a huge connect between brothers and sisters symbolized beautifully by festivals like Raksha Bandhan. Marriage is held to be a sacred union, and it is expected to last over seven births. I can proudly say I am part of such a country and this is the heritage I have inherited.

A typical Indian family

A typical Indian family

However, when it comes to society, we have a totally indifferent attitude. We keep our homes clean and tidy but throw the garbage on the roads everywhere we go. We litter in public spaces as per our convenience (I have seen people litter on the road right outside public toilets.) We don’t care to follow rules of the land, whether they are traffic rules or any other. We take pride in breaking rules and getting away by paying bribes. We do not realize the cost to society when we put our personal interest ahead of the interest of society. And we don’t realize that we can’t be happy and prosperous unless we live in a happy and prosperous society.

Apathy in addressing common problems is another issue. We turn a blind eye towards most of the problems plaguing our society. We behave as if they don’t exist. Or even if we care, very little of us actually do something about it. Our attitude is “It is not our job“. One reason for this could be that we have been ruled by foreigners for a very long time. And we think that public or societal issues are the responsibility of the government or the ruler and not of the citizens. Maybe we are not used to making decisions on our own. We always have somebody else to take the decisions for us. Currently, this role is of the government, and unfortunately, due to corruption and inefficiency, not much decision making happens there. Our tragedy is that we don’t make these decisions, neither do we stand up and make the government accountable for that they are responsible for.

Mutual respect towards another human being is an integral part of western culture. We have created so many divisions in society and we treat each other very differently. We look down upon people based on their caste, state, or worse, on the type of work they do. People doing physical work like laborers, plumbers, etc share equal respect in the western society but we treat them shabbily. I think that irrespective of their importance, people should be held accountable for what they do. Be it a plumber or a politician, he should be accountable for what he does. A plumber does not have the right to not do his work because people don’t treat him well, nor does a politician should abandon his duties because nobody can touch him. This works both ways.

My point here is that the root of our problems lie in a lack of duty towards the society. In other words, when we place the larger good over our personal good and act accordingly, we will make significant progress. After all, our values related to our families are something the whole world envy us for. If we take the same values and apply to our lives outside of home, we can do wonders, for ourselves and for others too. After all, a good and prosperous society will benefit us only in the end. Mahatama Gandhi said that “Be the change we wish to see in the world“, and I also remember one of the earliest lessons from my parents – “Treat others as you would like others to treat you“. Let us become responsible citizens and make our cities and our country a great place to live in.

We have to extend our value system towards our family and spread it out in the society. We are all good people, for we take care of our families that we should be proud of. The whole world looks up to us for our family value system. The Indian joint family have mesmerized the west for a long time. Let us take a step forward and also turn into good citizens. Citizens who know their responsibilities towards the society, towards the problems that we face, towards the rule of the land and towards fellow human beings. I will end up with this quote from Winston Churchill – “Responsibility is the price of greatness.”

My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-03-21

  • I posted a new photo to Facebook #
  • Happy Holi to all #
  • A hectic week comes to end, taking a full day of rest tomorrow before another super hectic week coming up next… I'm loving it 🙂 #
  • 2011 WC quarter finals are most likely going to be between exactly the same teams as the 1996 world cup 😉 #
  • "Anyone who angers you conquers you." – Elizabeth Kenny #
  • Hi all… #
  • I miss using Linux since I moved to mac #
  • One day, you'll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one #
  • Five reasons you should join the Dandi March II walk in your city .. Retweet in support of #DM2 #
  • Idealism and its value in today's world!! #
  • Read this to understand the extent of corruption in India.. #
  • I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album "Activities" #
  • #
  • Five Reasons why Idealism still exists… #
  • “A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” — I find this quote very relevant in our context #
  • Finished reading "Banker to the Poor" by Muhhammad Yunus.. a slap in the face of traditional economists, bankers, MBAs.. Loved it!! #
  • Dancing in the conversation 😉 #

Five reasons you should join the Dandi March II walk in your city

81 years after Gandhiji did the Dandi March to shake the British Empire, it’s happening again. Concerned citizens of India all over the world are marching in over 80 cities against corruption in India. Corruption has become the new colonialist in India. The politicians, bureaucrats and other officials are engaging in corruption without fear or shame. They have exploited the democratic system and the huge poverty in India to their advantage. It has become almost impossible to remove them from their offices, leave alone punish them or recover the money lost due to corruption. The demand and objective of this Dandi March 2 is to pressurize the Indian government into enacting the Jan Lokpal Bill‘ which has been advocated by noted social activists like Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, and others.

Walk together against corruption

Walk together against corruption

Dandi March 2 is happening all over the globe. Check out here and find out if it is happening in your city. If not, you can take the lead in organizing a small march in your own city. Remember, it is the collective intention of Indians marching in different cities that will help put pressure on the government to take action. Here are five reasons why you should join the Dandi March II walk happening in your city –

1. Enough is Enough
While you have been busy eating popcorn and watching that latest movie on television, our politicians have been eating our hard earned money we have paid as tax. They have sat in parliament, assemblies, offices and framed laws and made systems which make it easy for them to continue their brazen acts of corruption. They have neglected the complaints which few people have raised against them, and used the law, the police, and even the mafia to deter and scare such people. It is time that YOU wake up and demand accountability for YOUR money.

2. Sheer volume of corruption
The 2G scam has rocked the telecom ministry in the Indian government, and even the Indian Prime Minister has taken a flak from the Supreme Court. The amount of Rs 1,76,000 crore which the exchequer lost due to the 2G scam is mind boggling. The Commonwealth Games last year became a game of corruption with the whole international media being witness to the ‘tamasha’ going on. This has brought India widespread negative publicity and shame all over the world. It’s time to reclaim OUR pride from these looters.

3. Gandhi’s dream

Corruption is everywhere

Corruption is everywhere

Gandhi did not only dream of an Independent India, but also an India free of poverty. He dreamt of an India of equal opportunities to one and all, and equal right to justice irrespective of one’s social standing. Now our politicians, bureaucrats and babus ask for and take bribes openly sitting in a room with Gandhi’s portrait hanging there. It’s time we realize why we call Gandhi the Father of the Nation, and what we all owe to him, our Independence. Go ask your grandparents what it was living in an India which was not free. Just as a child can never repay his parents for showering him/her with life, we can never repay our freedom fighters what they have given us, our Independence. It is time we demand OUR Independence from corruption.

4. We live in a democracy
In the last few months, we have seen public protests uprooting governments in Islamic dictatorship nations of Tunisia and Egypt. These were countries where such mass protests are not allowed by law, but they could not stop people to get out of their homes for change. In our country, we are bestowed with a system to register our protest with the government under law. We have a moral obligation to go out and demand what is rightfully ours. It is also our duty as model citizens to put brakes on this practice of corruption which is eating our country from the inside. It is time for CHANGE.

5. The Future
I have always believed that this world is something we have borrowed from our next generations and before going we have to return it back to them. We should ought to return it back better than we inherited it. This was the vision every great mind has been inspired for. Gandhi dreamt for a free India for us. He himself lived only a few months in a free India before being assassinated. Many freedom fighters didn’t even see an Independent India when they died. They died for us. They struggled for us. Similarly, it is the future of a corruption free India which we have to see. In our vision, in our dreams, for our children and grand children. We have to get inspired from the dream of our future generations living in a just society. It is time to STAND for that dream.

We Indians do for our children what no other country or society does. Our parents sacrificed a lot for this future of ours which they saw back then. We will do the same for our children. We don’t want them to ask us later that – Why did you not give me education? Why did you not give me values to stand in this world? Let them not ask us – Why did not YOU leave me a just and equal society to live in?

It is time to hear that question NOW. It is time to STAND UP. It is time to WALK for the FUTURE.