My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-06-06

  • "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." – Ayn Rand #
  • The difference between try and triumph is a little umph #
  • Don't judge. God hates competition. #
  • "A problem is a chance for you to do your best." – Duke Ellington #
  • Must see story of Kiran Bedi #
  • Expecting life to treat you well because you’re a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you’re a vegetarian #
  • Nice article about innovation at BOP.. #
  • Why you should grow a mustache? #
  • The best match I ever saw… watch out.. a few posts related to cricket coming in the next few days!! #
  • People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
    Help people anyway. Read on #
  • Try this "giving" challenge to see a new side of yourself.. I bet you will not be the same person after these 29… #
  • Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain, cherish the moment, live, laugh, love, forgive & forget, life's 2 short 2 be, living w/ regrets #
  • "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." – Anas Nin #

Seeking Comfort in Discomfort

A popular quote goes like this, “The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”

Change and growth are very natural in life. And with every change, every growth there will be times when we will feel uncomfortable as an individual. Infact, growth is always uncomfortable. Lately I have realized that to evolve and grow, be it physical, emotional or spiritual growth, there will always be a certain level of discomfort. Or alternately, if you feel too comfortable in life, probably you are not growing.

Different situations might trigger discomfort for different people. For some, speaking at a public gathering might be uncomfortable and for some, trying a new sport might be uneasy. But all of these situations are those when we are forced to go outside of our comfort zone. The challenge when feeling uncomfortable is to embrace the situation and triumphing over our fear. Only then we will come out of a stagnant, dull life and move beyond fear. And “Darr ke Aage Jeet Hai.. ” (After fear, its victory)

Apart from situations, there could be people, interacting with whom makes us uneasy. This could also be a way of growing as our greatest teachers are those who will make us uneasy while pushing us to try new things and achieve greater heights. These individuals are like a calling for a better us, to develop an area within us which is not fully developed. So the next time you feel uncomfortable in the company of someone, ask yourself the question, are you willing to take it as a challenge to step up to the task? Are you willing to grow up to the level that this person and situation demands?

Most often, we are triggered by certain situations and individuals, and before we even realize, we might have acted in a certain way or said something unconsciously. It takes a lot of practice and patience to not to judge someone immediately on a trigger and say ‘I just don’t get her‘ or ‘He is wrong‘. We need to be patient as we find out how to grow to the next level so that our automatic alarm is not set off based on a person or a situation. As you move your focus from ‘whats wrong with others‘ to ‘what is needed of myself‘, you give yourself control and power rather than handing it out to people and situations. And believe me, it is easier to find blame in others but very challenging to look inside for introspection and areas of growth.

These last few months have been pretty uncomfortable for me, and thats good because there are many things or situations which used to make me uncomfortable six months ago but now I feel at home being in those situations, which means I have grown. I am by far the most uncomfortable these days than I have been in my entire life, but still there is a peace of mind like never before. It is because I know everything will be ok in time, and this period will leave me a better human being.

The important thing to remember is that, “Are we brave enough to continuously find uncomfortable challenges / situations in life to keep growing?

How I followed cricket B.I. (Before Internet)?

Cricket and me go back a long way. I started watching cricket in the late 1980s, and am regularly following it and watching it since 1992. These days, following cricket matches, scores and records is not difficult. You get in-depth statistics on TV, and all records, matches, pictures and videos are available at the click of a mouse over the internet. I first started using internet in the year 2000. In this post I am going to write about how I used to follow cricket in the 1990s, which was the B.I. (Before Internet) era. And believe me, it was so much fun!!

One of the page in my collage

One of the page in my collage

In the 90s, the only way you would hear about news related to cricket was on TV and newspapers. Live cricket was available on TV, but the statistics were very few, TV cameras and crew were not so technically advanced. Even the third umpire was started only in 1992. Only before a major match or series started, you used to get the historic records between those teams, and about their players in newspapers. And after a match is over, the next day newspapers would be the only source of information about the match.

The Magical Sahara Cup 1997

The Magical Sahara Cup 1997

So how do you keep track of all the important cricketing happenings in those days? All the pictures, statistics, scorecards were not archived over the internet and it was impossible to find them if you miss the newspaper after the match. Simple, I started cutting out the photos, scorecards and statistics from newspapers and magazines and sticking them in a file in the form of picture collages. Very soon, the pages started to pile up, and I decided to put them in binders. I still have 3 such big binders with my collages at home, although the pages have turned yellow after almost 13-14 years.

When Azharuddin used to be a cricketer

When Azharuddin used to be a cricketer

Due to this, I have images and records of that era which are sometimes difficult to find online even today. I am glad today I spend so much time doing all this, which if is so much fun seeing them now, imagine how much fun it would be to create them! I am also glad that I mom didn’t threw them away during the 4 years I was in Jaipur after school and in the last 6 years of my professional career, when I was mostly in Noida and Bangalore. To preserve the memories and archives, the last time I visited Delhi, I decided to capture those archives in my DSLR as the pages were getting very old and difficult to maintain in its real form.

There are three such files

There are three such files

I hope you enjoy the few pics I have attached with this post. I will be attaching more in later posts.

The Paradoxical Commandments by Kent M Keith

Whenever I have read “The Paradoxical Commandments“, which is both a book (buy the book from Flipkart or Amazon) and a poem by Kent M Keith, it has left me inspired by the simplicity in the words and the deep message they hold. It says that the world is crazy, the people are crazy and we should not try to make sense of it. The more we try to make sense of it, the more we will get lost in it. But the point is also not to lose hope, not to complain but to accept (not tolerate) the world as it is. Only then can we be truly free.

He says the life’s lessons lies in its many paradoxes. A “paradox” is an idea that is contrary to popular opinion, something that seems to contradict common sense and yet is true. This book is about the Ten Paradoxical Commandments which I am listing below.

  1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
    Love them anyway.
  2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
    Do good anyway.
  3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
    Succeed anyway.
  4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
    Do good anyway.
  5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
    Be honest and frank anyway.
  6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
    Think big anyway.
  7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
    Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
  8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
    Build anyway.
  9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
    Help people anyway.
  10. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
    Give the world the best you have anyway.

These paradoxical statements say that you can do good and what is right without waiting for other people to return the favor, or appreciate you in any way. If you can do this, then you are free. Free to find the meanings in the smallest of things. Free to do what you want irrespective of what others think or how the world will perceive it. The people who have done this have been able to find happiness unlike anything in this world.

P.S. – See a list of all my favorite books here..

My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-05-30

  • Thank God Its Monday… The day you start loving your Mondays and waiting for it, you know you are living life!! #
  • Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one. -Chinese proverb #
  • An old article, wrote this about a year ago.. #
  • "It is not length of life, but depth of life." – Ralph Waldo Emerson #
  • You might have read many stories, but not one like this… See how Uday Bhai is creating a new culture of giving!!… #
  • Is your strength stopping you to do something? #
  • All set to start working on my book from next month… Targeting to complete it in two years 🙂 #
  • How your strength can become a barrier? Read on in my latest article… #
  • If – by Rudyard Kipling #
  • Finished reading "The 8th Habit" by Stephen Covey.. Very insightful… Certainly needs one more reading to grasp it fully!! #
  • The dilemma of life.. read on.. #
  • "He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life." – Ralph Waldo Emerson #
  • Please recycle Batteries. Canon Service Center on Brigade Road, recycles batteries. AA, AAA, C, D, car batteries,… #
  • You can manage time, manage money and other resources, but you cannot manage people. You have to LEAD them…… #
  • Who decides what you can do and what you can't? I hope it is you #
  • Watching an IPL match after a long time 🙂 #
  • Working on a poem, just rejected the first draft after negative feedback by a few people.. Thanks for the… #
  • The best way to tell someone you don't like them is to text them "370HSSV 0773H" and tell them to read it upside down. #
  • Problems grab us where we are weak. They're a call to get strong & master that area of our life. -Tony Robbins #
  • All my tweets from last week #
  • Failure is good, and other life lessons from failure #