8 More Lessons from SaleRaja and other start-ups I have been associated with

Recently I wrote about some of the important lessons I learned after working with SaleRaja and other startups. I was pondering over this article and I realized I can think of many more points which I can write about. So below are 8 more lessons which I came up after reflecting on those days spend building some amazing products with SaleRaja, InfoEdge and Jivox.

8. Spend wisely

As a startup your balance sheet will be in the red in the first few years as you build the infrastructure, teams and systems for the future. Hence it is very important to monitor and control what you spend and for what purpose. Even if you have secured funding, you never know which way the economy turns in the future. The point is to always have cash in the bank to act as a cushion in tough times.

9. Networking

Big corporations are people independent, i.e. , they never depend heavily on any one or a few people for their business to survive. It is because of this that they can hire in big numbers, and even fire people easily in hard times. In startups though, the commitment to the company by employees is very important. Similarly, each employee is very critical to the company and it can’t afford losing an employee as it might impact their business. Due to this, the hiring in startups (at least the initial hirings) normally happen through networking and personal contacts as trust in the employee – employer relationship is very critical for startups. And networking is not only useful in hiring but in other business aspects too.

Beginning is Half Done

Beginning is Half Done

10. Have Fun Along the Way

I have always believed in the idea that if we love what we do, it is not work but more like play. And while doing different tasks during a typical day, it is very important to have fun and not get too serious. A team of people working who smile and have fun with each other in a casual atmosphere will always have more productivity. So in your team, play some games, pull somebody’s leg, take out time for discussions other than work, or whatever, but don’t miss to have FUN. This might be an exaggeration, but see what happened during a night out in my first job.

11. Do everything – customer service to sales to coding

As a co-founder or starting member of a startup, you should try to do everything to get a pulse of the whole business. That would mean doing coding with your engineers, being involved with your marketing team, going out on sales calls with your sales team and also hearing customer complaints and feedback. This will keep you well informed of what is happening in the whole ecosystem around your business and will help you make better decisions.

12. Do your Business Ethically

It is important to follow both the legal and ethical laws of the land where you operate your business. Being ethical will help you in fostering a long term relationship with your customers. Any success that is attained without the foundation of ethics is bound to be short lived, as lies and scams tend to come out sooner or later. The primary objective of business is not just to maximize profits, but it is also to be a responsible citizen in a just society and working in a way that benefits all its stakeholders.

13. Make Mistakes, but Don’t Repeat

It is only human to make mistakes, and as you start a new business, you will also make few. But the important lesson here is to not keep repeating them. We must take enough risks for our business to grow, but also be wise enough to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. We just need to make ‘new and better‘ mistakes going into the future. As for me, I am really glad for the mistakes I have made.

14. Mature with Time, but Don’t Grow up..

As our business grows and we reap success, we grow more mature and this maturity starts reflecting in our daily lives as well as our business decisions. But as a startup, it is very important not to loose what makes you special in the first place. It is always good to be a little crazy, keep having fun along the way and not get too serious. It is ok to risk, and it is ok to fail.

15. Don’t accept Failure as an Option

One of the most important word you have to stop listening when starting something new is ‘NO‘. So no matter what, in the face of a NOs, keep on finding new ways of achieving the objective, but never give up. Try out a lot of things, and go with the things that work. When things are not going well, take a break, do something which inspires you, but after that, get back to it with relentless persistence. Remember, failure is not an option.

My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-10-03

  • "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." – Harry S Truman #
  • Nice quote – " Disagreeing about something and with someone has about as much impact as farting in the wind." #
  • Too good and true to not be shared here http://t.co/TZTVgp4x #
  • There are a few movies which touch and move your soul like anything. They are so simple in their story and… http://t.co/ivuZkg2N #
  • β€œAs human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the… http://t.co/rpUfMZEy #
  • Why did we, and why should you Pick a Fight? – A poem at http://t.co/1oFlmrUi #
  • What can I lose? – A poem http://t.co/ktwCgxbx #
  • is on a writing spree… Finished two articles in the last three hours.. Will get one more done today!! #
  • "It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not." #
  • Did you notice, http://www.sumit4all.com has a new look a feel… πŸ™‚
    Leave your suggestions, complaints and feedback as… http://t.co/jwjdioho #
  • Read my latest poem – She is my dearest!! http://t.co/lG4YccKm #
  • This mantra has worked well for me so far!! http://t.co/PV5gUVG1 #
  • The heart that loves is always young. -Greek Proverb #
  • 1st sms-lets breakup now, everything is over πŸ™
    2nd sms- sorry sorry that was not for you..
    double heart attack.. #
  • Too good not to be shared!! http://t.co/L7NPEQpN #
  • "The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is… http://t.co/zwIOC90l #
  • Know penalty slabs… when on the roads http://t.co/7lkXVFNp #
  • People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos, is because… http://t.co/uuLZCelX #
  • "Outside of these walls, what I have found is that there are opportunities rather than dangers, there is… http://t.co/kyptg4qM #

Pencil Sketching after 10 years

If I remember correctly, I used to sketch regularly during my school days. I think I started it during the fine art classes in school at the age of 10 or so, though I had a knack of messing up any picture as soon as I used to touch colors. Very good initial sketches or wireframes using pencils, but only until I tried to color them. So I stopped using colors and focused on just pencil sketching. I used to maintain a sketch book in which I used to sketch everything from people, buildings, animals from their pics wherever I used to find them, in newspapers, magazines, etc. That sketch book might still be somewhere lying around in my Delhi home, and the next time I visit Delhi I am surely going to look around for it.

My first sketch after 10 years

My first sketch after 10 years

A few months ago, I started sketching again. It had been 10 years since I had last done it, and it was not a conscious decision to start again. I did it with a pen, and that too very quickly. I think I just found a good picture (of Anna Hazare) and then found some idle time and a pen lying nearby, so I gave it a shot. I liked what the output was, and then I thought why not start sketching again. I have done a few sketches in the weeks since then, since I always enjoy doing it.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

The first few sketches so far, as you can see, are not anything to boast about, but certainly a good starting point, considering I started after 10 years. I remember I used to have multiple pencils for different tones of black during my school days, and am planning to buy those again now. I plan to do it regularly now, with atleast a couple of sketches in a month or so.

Jennifer Anniston had to happen, sooner or later

Jennifer Anniston had to happen, sooner or later

All the sketches I have done in the last few weeks have been done in the time of 1 hour of so, which I think is too quick. I would most probably take more time to draw the sketches from now on, obviously, in the hope to get better ones πŸ˜‰

Wait and watch, I will put up more of my sketches here soon πŸ™‚

She is my dearest

She was like a breeze,
Put my senses to freeze!
When her smile was felt,
My cold heart just melt!!

She opened her mouth to speak,
I fell for the dimple in her cheek!
The words came out as roses,
I could cherish them for ages!!

Her hair were as soft as silk,
Her eyes as white as milk!
When her sun like face glowed,
It felt like even time had slowed!!

She was like a sweet angel,
Everything about her was noble!
She came like a sudden downpour,
What had hit me I wasn’t sure!!

Her spirit was infectious,
Her heart the most spacious!
The soul of hers was the purest,
In no time she was my dearest!!

My weekly tweets archive for the week ending 2011-09-26

  • "Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength." #
  • I found these three moments in my cricketing archives, and they brought back a lot of fond memories from the… http://t.co/HynJqIPO #
  • The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it – Henry David Thoreau #
  • Big b in kbc this year has been truly special, one of a kind #
  • wow.. some wonderful pics and videos.. http://t.co/MvBEu75Q #
  • Nice article by Anupam Kher http://t.co/YJNL4Rs2 #
  • 10 Things I am glad I have done (or do) http://t.co/6DceYIz4 #
  • Most people wander around in the dark and bitch about it being dark, instead of learning where the light switches are. #
  • Don't.. Just don't!! http://t.co/q3Ti32XV #
  • Larger-than-life legend, perfect description for the last Nawab http://t.co/e2i4wZc3 #
  • Offers like these would spring up all over the place in the coming days on the occasion of Dussehra… via SaleRaja http://t.co/nuFucILJ #
  • A screenie from the new facebook timeline profile.. http://t.co/8S7yA49n #
  • Ten Things I am glad for I do them – A presentation http://t.co/ewtxmbR6 #
  • Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more… http://t.co/z5GOpsp2 #
  • I could not have NOT shared this πŸ˜€ #dravid #wall http://t.co/glQdcw1Y #
  • Don't give up on your goals just because they demand a lot from you.. The best treasures are never found on the… http://t.co/JNzLlWsE #
  • good cartoon mocking the Rs 25 poverty limit as planning commission has put it http://t.co/wyNjubyC #
  • Lessons from Steve Jobs… wonderful post from Forbes http://t.co/1NEVln3u #
  • My Three Best Poems – Poem 1 http://t.co/FRaM9vGy #
  • One of the quickest ways to improve your way of being is to change the words you use. Use words which profit… http://t.co/nWA9xS9G #
  • The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the… #
  • I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, & that is that I know nothing. -Socrates #
  • An article on two different kinds of innovation, one for market reasons and one for problem solving.. Do you… http://t.co/cfOOnwYr #
  • http://j.mp/o2KWZX Dussehra offers like these have started appearing on the market, many more coming in next few weeks.. #